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Category Archives: Week 3

Article Title: NASA and ATK Successfully Test Five-Segment Solid Rocket Motor

Written By: Michael Braukus, Headquarters, Washington/Jennifer Morcone Stanfield, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

9. What techniques does the author use to make this information easy to understand?

This article talks about the new and improved five-segmented solid rocket motor that could be used in future rockets for future missions. This motor was created and tested by NASA and ATK Aerospace Systems. The author makes this article an easy read because he haves all the information simple and straight forward. He doesn’t have the information all scattered around, instead he simply states the features of the motor, explains how the test was performed, however it was vaguely, and also indicates the goals that are to be reached with this motor through more testing, to be able to make it fly at temperature ranges from 40-90○ F.

Article Title: Earl weakens but still powerful as it smacks NC

Written By: Mike Baker

10. Where do you think you could find more information on this topic?

This article talks about hurricane Earl and how strong it is. Authorities are trying to take all the precautions as they can, but it also depends on how much cooperation the people themselves put in to the cause. The hurricane is broad in size, and has winds up to 105 mph. I could most likely find more information about this hurricane and its activities at any weather forecast website, The National Weather Service, newspapers and the weather report on the daily news.

Article Title: 10 States With Ridiculously Low Unemployment — And Why

Written By: Vincent Fernando

2. As you read today, were any questions you had answered by what you read? List the questions that you had and the answers that you came up with from the reading. Are you satisfied with what you learned, with these answers? Why  or why not?

Yes, this article answered a few questions for me regarding the unemployment rates in the United States. For some time now, I had had the question as to if there were any places in the United States that didn’t suffer so much from unemployment. Also, I was curious to know how high was the estimate of the country being left jobless. This statistically proved to me that the states of North Dakota (3.6%), South Dakota (4.4%), and Nebraska (4.7%) have the lowest unemployment rate in the country. Followed by New Hamphshire, Vermont, Hawaii, Kansas, Wyoming, Minnesota and Iowa. The three top states with the lowest unemployment rates all have something in common as their income, agriculture. Along with other things such as tourism, Government help and services for the public to invest in. The overall unemployment rate of the United States is an amazing 9.5% of the entire country, almost one tenth of it. I am satisfied with what I have learned from this article because it answered the conserns I had regarding this subject, since my father is currently in that 9.5%. It gave me detailed lists of what drives the individual state’s income and how much of the statistics that certain place has to offer.